


The documentation in video and photography shows an insight into the live performance in public space, a collaboration between Delaney Harper (USA) and bello benischauer (AUS/A) in Fremantle, Australia, imitating signs and objects when exploring how we people tend to fit into urban environments, their structures and landscapes around us and how small disruptions of familiar surroundings make one question the fine line between the usual and the absurd, reality and the staged. While our destination is really unknown, we run so fast that we seem to run away from something and stopping all of a sudden makes us feel insecure and exposed to the people around, to the world, to ourselves.

Performance text by bello benischauer

already people’s breathing…
which could influence… the actions around… troubles… and intimidates us
that’s why we accommodate to structures… to have no problems…

… hectic…
power… money… control
to be the best and have the most… remote-controlled society…
simulating the nervous, tensed mind…
… like the motion of the people
automatically… movements and behaviours…
it’s like with their mind…
structures and patterns… that exist in their brains are transmitted to the people… after that…
like one… would control… the other…
each human being… tries to manipulate the other..

in our world… these days…
it seems… that everybody would like to switch and turn thing… with their mobile devices…
and one thinks this is great…
because one thinks that everybody would think that way… while it really feels strange… if one thinks about it…
and if there is just a tiny problem… it proves wrong…
and it is like… one wants to explain…
an indefinable dream…

and the public space… gets the controlled space…
and we sell this controlled space to each other as our freedom… and this way it seems that freedom…
has something to do with money and power…
while it really starts with you… me…
and everybody else…
and it ends there too.

photos by Tony Gajewski


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